I've been rearranging my shop, doing some cleaning and organizing a better layout. I've got tools scattered just about everywhere, and I decided to make a quick and easy "cabinet" for my handplanes out of some scraps I had laying around.
The sides are pieces of oak leftover from my last pallet project (the planter, part one & part two). and the shelves are leftover pieces of oak plywood from the bookshelf cubby a few months ago.
Since I'm without a table saw and a miter saw at the moment, the entire thing was cut with handtools, with the exception of a couple of rips that I did with the bandsaw. Joinery is simply pocket screws, and I attached the entire thing to the 2x4 studs with screws as well.
I'm still debating whether to apply an edge banding to the plywood or to simply attach some hardwood to the edges and form a lip (to prevent one of the planes from falling out). Since it's just shop furniture, I could leave it like this and be okay with it, but it'll be in a lot of the shots I do in the future for my You Tube channel, so I'll probably do something to make it look "finished".
Overall, it took about an hour to make, so it wasn't too big of a project, but it solved a problem I was having. I am thinking about adding another similar cabinet/shelf to the right to hold things like my chisels, drill bits, router bits, and other misc. stuff that I use often but don't really have a home for at the moment.
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